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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Web App Integration

After scanning the internet for cool Web Apps to use in the classroom, I came across several that have potential. Struggling with time factors in our daily schedule I decided to try just one and see how it goes. I chose to experiment with X Timelines, an extensive timeline builder with a wide array of timeline building tools (http://www.xtimeline.com/). Once a member you can explore, create and edit timelines. You can even invite other editors to edit your timelines. Within each timeline you can add video, photos, and text, as well as add embedded content for greater interactivity from the viewer. The builder interface is very easy to use and highly intuitive. I had no problem with slow connections or crashes. There are many pre-made timelines from which to view. I can create groups of timelines which act as folders to organize multiple timelines. The timelines themselves have an attractive layout and are simple to use...no overcrowded, button-laiden interfaces!

􀂃 How will you use this resource? I plan to use this resource for enhancing and reinforcing the use of timelines to show events in history and as a way to graphically record major events in the lives of famous people.

♦ Please discuss how you will integrate this software for your teaching or how your students could use it.􀂃 I plan to demonstrate the software by first, showing students a finished version. Then, I will demonstrate how to build a timeline using the online tools. I will show them options to make the timelines more interactive for viewers as well. I will model how to navigate the site and the timelines so students can efficiently utilize the site.

Please describe your pedagogy for the integration of the resource.
􀂃 In what manner will you use this resource actively engage your students?

My pedagogy for this activity will be to demonstrate, model, and provide guided practice, along with independent learning time. I will present this assignment early in the year, so students will have this tool in the "belt" for the rest of the year as an option to extend their learning in other areas. I will use the classroom LCD projector to demonstrate and model. I will take students to the computer lab to provide structured guided practice, then later, I will provide station time to finish the assignment. Toward the end of the assignment we will have a "show day". This is where students will showcase their timeline projects using the LCD projector. Students can assess each students performance using the assignment rubric. Students may also self assess their own performance using the same rubric. Students will write a self reflection piece to compliment the learning unit.

Since most districts limit access to web sites, downloading and installing software, I want students to prepare documentation to present your case to your principal or individuals in charge of allowing access to technologies not part of the school programs. I understand that each district handles these requests differently. Please describe what you may need to complete in order to have access to this resource in the fall.

Since XTimeline is web-based, it does not require a download. All projects are saved on XTimeline servers. A letter to the IT staff would not be required for downloading purposes. However, HIPPA privacy issues may arise because each student would need his/her own username and password in order to create timelines:

Dear Sir:

I have recently been introduced to a new online software called XTimeline (http://www.xtimeline.com/). It is a timeline creator using Web 2.0 technologies. This software would greatly enhance my biographies unit. Since our district goal is to build 21st century learners, I am hoping I will have your permission to create user accounts for my students in order to use this website. My plan is to integrate technology with conventional learning to open up new horizons to accomplish existing goals for our students. If you have any quesions about my teaching unit, my technology integration plan, or XTimeline.com, please feel free to email me. Thank you for your consideration.
Jason Daniels

􀂃 Will you have any IT administration issues to work through? none
􀂃 What kind of documentation is required if any? I will provide the students with a rubric for completion of the biography timeline. One the rubric will be sections for quality, multimedia use, completeness, and grammar and spelling.

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